Our Services
Contractual commitment where you want it, but with no strings attachedEnhancing Service Value and Communication
We know that when you are paying for a service it is difficult to visualise what you are getting for your money. We want you feel that you are physically getting something of value to you. This is why we provide you with clear reports detailing our recommendations and these reports are for your records. We will give you key updates regarding your policies as we feel that regular contact is integral to our working relationship. Where it is agreed we will manage and review portfolios allowing clients access to this information as frequently as possible and we will compare original investments against gains made after charges.
We know how important it is for you to discuss any concerns that you may have, if your adviser is unavailable then our Customer Service Team will always be available to support you with your enquiry.
Which Advice Most Suits Your Needs?

Pension Provision
Aimed at clients who are seeking specialist pensions advice linked to UK pensions or indeed QROPS / QNUPS, as well as those who wish to save for their future.

Investment and Financial Planning
Aimed at clients who are seeking specialist investments, and wish to avoid high commission charges and unnecessary costs, as well as those who wish to save for their future.

Aimed at international clients, OpesFidelio offers specialized inheritance tax planning to minimize liabilities, considering beneficiaries’ residency complexities.

Tax Returns
Aimed at global clients, OpesFidelio maximizes deductions and ensures tax compliance, working in tandem with your tax advisers.

For seamless relocation, OpesFidelio provides expert guidance, addressing challenges from visas to taxes.

Fiduciary and Trust Services
Aimed at US expats, looking to optimise investments with expert wealth management and addressing unique challenges like tax implications.
Working With Professionals
OpesFidelio work with a number of outside professionals, such as solicitors and accountants around Europe ensuring we provide you with a first class, bespoke service. Other professionals refer clients to us, and we believe a referral like this is one of the highest compliments available and we therefore hold these relationships in the highest regard.
Investment Classes
- Cash and Fixed Interest
- UK Equities
- Overseas Equities and Fixed Interest
- Commodities & Derivatives
- Which all require SPECIALIST investment advice
Whether it be Exchange Traded Funds, shares, gilts or property then you can be assured that an OpesFidelio adviser has the appropriate qualification. Commodities are considered on an individual basis. As for the various investment classes there are hundreds of investment products available from many different companies, and if you are attempting to do it by yourself, choosing one that’s right for you might seem like an uphill struggle.
"Sustainable investing is redefining the mainstream.”
Get Your Complimentary Material
Aisa LGT WM Sustainable Model Portfolio Service Brochure
Over 40 Awards Since 2009

2023 IA Best Practice Adviser Awards
Winner Excellence in Investment Planning Europe

2023 IA Best Practice Adviser Awards
Winner Excellence in Digital Innovation Europe

2022 IA Best Practice Adviser Awards
Excellence in Client Service Europe

2022 Money Marketing
Small Advice Firm of They Year (Finalist)

2022 Money Marketing
Best Investment Advice Firm (Finalist)

2022 International Investment
Winner Excellence in Fintech (Industry)

2022 IA Best Practice Adviser Awards
Winner Excellence in Investment Planning Europe

2022 Moneyfacts Awards
Investment Life & Pensions (Finalist)

2020 IA Best Practice Advice Awards
Winner Excellence in Investment Planning Europe
For Assistance and Help Contact Us
We must make it clear that whilst you can get all kinds of ‘unbiased’ information from all over the web, this will not make you an overnight expert and it will often not answer the questions that you are not even aware you should be asking yourself! For complete re-assurance you should be seeing a specialist – one who has both technical knowledge far in excess of a website, and also the experience of answering the questions that only he/she can know should be asked.